Eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada
100% IsoEnergy
Deposit Type
Uconformity sandstone hosted uranium
Primary Minerals
- Comprises one claim totaling 5,961 hectares and is located 37 kilometres west of the Larocque East property which hosts the Hurricane zone
- Multiple highly prospective targets across 15-km strike being advanced with drilling and geophysics
- Drilling indicates the vertical depth to the unconformity is 600 to 700 metres
- Drilling intersected brittle structures associated with unconformity offset, alteration, and elevated radioactivity
- ANT survey identified large velocity low anomaly located 850 m along trend to the north
The Hawk project lies along a major northeast trending fault zone that crosses the Athabasca Basin. The basement geology of the project area is dominated by northeast trending graphitic bearing meta-sediments bounded by granitic rocks the the east and west.
Exploration Potential
The residual prospectivity of the Hawk project is considered very high as there are over 15 kms of a conductive corridor spatially associated with the regional northeast trending fault zone that is known to host uranium mineralization. Historically the area has seen very little exploration and represents a new frontier as exploration in the basin moves westward.
To date IsoEnergy has confirmed that the key characteristics of the Athabasca style uranium mineral system exist within the claim block:
1) hydrothermal clay alteration in the sandstone cover and basement rocks;
2) radioactivity at the unconformity;
3) brittle fault structures and
4) conductive metasedimentary rocks in the basement.
Drilling at Hawk totaled 10,000m between 2022 to 2024, with results elevating the prospectivity of potentially host a large uranium deposit. An ANT survey was conducted over 7.3 km of the main north-northeast trending ZTEM conductivity corridor and has defined a large velocity low anomaly that is coincident with both the on strike projection of the altered brittle fault zone intersected in drill holes HK23-03/05A/08 and the strong conductor picks identified in the winter 2023 ground EM survey (IsoEnergy Ltd News Release April, 2023). Similar to the ANT signature that is associated with the Hurricane deposit, the velocity low is interpreted as the result of a large hydrothermal system that has altered the sandstone cover sequence above the unconformity target.
Technical Maps

Hawk corridor cross section on L 2400E looking northeast. The section illustrates a reverse component of unconformity and Athabasca sandstone member fault offset, and structural control of alteration in the sandstone and upper basement present in Athabasca Basin uranium orebodies like McArthur River and Key Lake. Alteration includes bleaching due to hematite removal, desilicification and clay alteration. Illite and chorite alteration straddle the unconformity and sooty pyrite occurs in the sandstone immediately above the unconformity.