Eastern Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada
100% IsoEnergy
Deposit Type
Unconformity related sandstone and basement hosted uranium
Primary Minerals
- The Evergreen Project is located along the southeastern edge of the Athabasca Basin, approximately 20 kilometers west of the Key Lake mine and mill. About 80% of the property is beyond the margin of the Athabasca Basin and has no sandstone cover. Evergreen comprises 19 claims covering 33,516 hectares with a vertical depth to the unconformity between 0 and 50 meters.
- The Spruce Project is located along the south margin of the Athabasca basin, 56 kilometres west of the Key Lake Mill, and comprises 16 claims totaling 4,836 hectares. Drilling indicates the vertical depth to the unconformity is 0 to 100 metres.
The Spruce & Evergreen claim group is mostly covered by glacial deposits consisting of an unsorted mix of boulders, sand, silt, and clay. Several sizeable northeast trending eskers and drumlins are present in the project area. The northern portion of the project is underlain by a relatively thin (~100 metres) cover of Athabasca sandstone, which unconformably overlies Paleoproterozoic to Archean basement rocks. The southern portion of the project is directly underlain by crystalline basement rocks of the Mudjatik Domain and has no sandstone cover. Several exposed outcrops are present in the area to the south beyond the Athabasca Basin.
Exploration Potential
The project areas is highly prospective with upto 5 conductive corridors trangressing the claim group totaling ~45 kms in length that lie beneath very shallow sandstone or quaternary cover. The surface geology of the project lends itself well to radiometric surveys and boulder sampling. Numerous radiometric surface anomilies have been identifed that occur within the conductor corridors. The potential for a basemnt style uranium deposit is considered high and the project is relatively immature interms of previous exploration efforts and consequently the residual prospectivity remains high.